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Rake angle in a sentence

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Sentence count:22Posted:2020-12-14Updated:2020-12-14
Similar words: right-angled trianglewide-angleacute angleobtuse angleoblique anglewide-angle lensanglemake a note
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(1) Higher the rake angle, better is the cutting and less are the cutting forces, increasing the rake angle reduces the metal backup available at the tool rake face.
(2) Side rake angle is the angle between the face of the tool and the base of the shank or holder and is usually measured in a plane perpendicular to the bade to the side cutting edge.
(3) To optimize the normal rake angle of milling tool with straight cutting edges and to lengthen tool life, a plane-strain finite element model ( FEM ) of metal machining was established.
(4) Based on equation of cutting edges, new geometric model and NC grinding model of rake face of ball end mill with constant normal rake angle are modeled.
(5) The maximum stress point moves to compressive stress, depended on the experimental data, when negative rake angle substituted for positive one and other cutting conditions kept fixed.
(6) Measurable parameters include the coordinates of the circle center of the cutter teeth compact and the compact's back rake angle and side sway angle.
(7) This paper also discusses bit parameter design to improve the economy of PDC bits, such as negative rake angle and side rotation angle.
(8) Good toughness and wear resistance, suitable for low speed cutting allowing a big rake angle, ensuring the sharpness of the edges,[] bearing a heavy cutting force and achieving good surface finish.
(9) Analyze the influence of main parameters including exp. area ratio, blade number, collective pitch angle, section shape, cyclic pitch angle and rake angle on the performance of VVP.
(10) Continuous inclinometer is one of the tri-freedom device, which is used on continuous measurement of well parameters including rake angle, azimuth angle and tool angle.
(11) With this model, the geometric parameters for machining the insert pocket of the turning tool with maximum rake angle are obtained while the other requirements of the tool design are satisfied.
(12) This error has influenced the precision of gear, especially, when negative rake angle of gear-shaped cutter is used, the current design method has not reguired the profile precision.
(13) Walk through Huizhou In Huizhou, there are scattering ancient villages. Pink walls and black tiles, cornice and rake angle, leaning to rivers and mountains, which is worthy visiting.
(14) The present paper also introduces the theory for the design of bit parameters in order to improve the economic target, such as negative rake angle, bypass angle and the exposure height.
(15) A study is made on the working angle in scraping process, practical Calculations are taken up to the angle of working edge, rake angle and back angle. Some patterns of such change are found out.
(16) The calculating formulae of the chip - flow angle and the chip - flow rake angle are given.
(17) The influencing orderliness of the cutting depth and the rake angle of the tool on cutting qualities are found and the mathematical models are built.
(18) In the process of skiving for Spiral bevel and hypoid gears, skiving cutter adopts larger negative rake angle and negative tilt angle.
(19) The slotting tool with isometric profile cylinder hole is designed. The average radius, the rake angle, the relief angle and the space curve of the edge are analyzed and researched.
(20) The results show that the effects on surface roughness are feed speed, depth of cutting , tool rake angle and parts hardness in turn.
(21) The mathematical model presented in this paper can also be used in the regrinding of gear hobs with zero rake angle and positive rake angle for error calculation and revision.
(22) Through the graphics processing of micro protrusion topography of wheel, the grain protrusion height, grain protrusion volume, grain rake angle and clearance angle were modeled.
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